Legal notices



The website accessible at the URL is published and operated by HAVAS SA, a French public limited company with capital of €170,455,393, having its registered office at 29-30 Quai de Dion Bouton – 92800 Puteaux – FRANCE, registered with the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under Siren number 335 480 265.

Telephone number: +33 06 07 22 01 96
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The website’s Publication Director is Candice Ribes, as Consulting Director – HAVAS INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING.




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  • Cyllene

  • Address : 93-99 Rue Veuve Lacroix, 92000 Nanterre, France

  • Phone number : +33 1 41 19 40 40




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HAVAS INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING therefore cannot be held responsible for access by users via the hypertext links set up within the framework of the website to other resources available on the network.

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HAVAS INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING reserves the right to change and update these legal notices at any time and without notice.

The user is therefore encouraged to check them on a regular basis.

Last update: Mars 2023